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Electrical matrix



The Hypothalamus Matrix is located just below the Thalamus. The Matrix consists of a cube with a Pyramid on the top and bottom. As with the Thalamus, there no lines separating the base of the different shapes. It is energized as a unit using S/C/S.About The Hypothalamus The size of a cherry, it is located in the mid-brain, or diencephalon below the Thalamus, at the rear of the forebrain. Its primary function is homeostasis, or maintaining the body’s status quo. One unusual way that it monitors the body is that some of its sensors lack the blood-brain barrier. This allows them to monitor substances in the blood that would normally be shielded from neural tissue. Ultimately the hypothalamus can control every endocrine gland in the body, and can alter blood pressure (through vasopressin ), body temperature, metabolism (through TSH), and adrenaline levels (through ACTH). It regulates autonomic responses which are essentially all the unconscious responses of the body by controlling the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, increasing and decreasing the functioning of involuntary body responses such as: Heart rate, blood pressure, contractions of the bladder walls and intestinal walls, respiration, fat metabolism, regulation of body weight, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, and controlling perspiration, making you shiver and sweat. It controls appetite. It contains olfactory centers. It plays a part in emotional and sexual responses. It relays sensory information to the cerebral cortex and regulates the perception of touch, pain, and temperature. If your mouth and tongue are dry and your blood has become more concentrated, this information is sent to the hypothalamus which sends out signals to signal thirst. It controls sleep, appetite and some emotions such as fear and pleasure. It is the main integration hub for controlling the internal organs. It coordinates the activities of the endocrine system, producing various hormones and regulating the pituitary gland. It is the bridge between the nervous and endocrine systems. The Hypothalamus Matrix can be used anytime you are working with anything glandular. Many women have found it help with menopausal symptoms. It may be needed to be used with upper and lower brain and on occasion the uterine and genital matrices. You can experiment with it for appetite and weight control.  You can practice using the Hypothalamus Matrix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.

Cell Level Memory Matrix

The Cell Level Memory Matrix is a long rectangular solid. It is envisioned within a muscle or groups of muscles. Occasionally it may even be needed within an organ or even a chakra. This Matrix is usually needed to clear memories which are inhibiting the function and healing of these muscles or organs. It also works well with spasmed muscles. The Matrix is worked the usual way through the S/C/S. It may be worth while to look up specific organs that are associated with emotions. I am presenting a short list of organs and a sample of the emotions that are usually correlated with them. Adrenals–Muddled Bladder–Miffed Gall Bladder–Resentment Heart–Inappropriate Emotions Kidney–Fear Large Intestine–Defensive Liver–Anger Lung–Grief Ovaries, Testes, Uterus, Prostate–Depleated Pancreas –Low Self Esteem Pituitary–Vivid Dreaming Small Intestine–Vulnerable Spleen–Over Sympathetic Stomach–Disgust Thyroid–Emotional Instability.  You can practice using the Cell Level Memory Matrix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.

Inflammation Matrix

The Inflammation Matrix is used for any inflammatory condition that exists in the body. It is composed of a diamond shape with a curled ribbon inside. It is used by visualizing the Matrix surrounding the affected area, and running the S/C/S. If you have a joint, muscle, organ, acupuncture point, chakra imbalance, or pain any where else it is always good to check if an Inflammation Matrix would help balance the body. In an acute situation it may be necessary to repeat thisMatrix a number of times to see a change.  You can practice using the Inflammation Matrix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.

Glucose Regulating Matrix

The Glucose Regulating Pyramid is the next Matrix I would like to present to you. It is a Pyramid whose base starts at the back, behind the adrenals. As it goes forward, it comes into contact with the liver and pancreas. The point then comes out straight extending beyond the body about three inches. This Matrix helps regulate and balance these three organs responsible for the blood sugar level of the body. It works with the adrenals, the pancreas and the liver. I have found it useful when the blood sugar level drops or when there is an overindulgence of sweets. When using this Matrix, it is good to imagine the adrenals, the liver and the pancreas inside the Pyramid, all at the same time, as you use it. Energize it by using S/C/S.  You can practice using the Glucose Regulating Pyramid by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.

Glucose Regulating Matrix

The Glucose Regulating Pyramid is the next Matrix I would like to present to you. It is a Pyramid whose base starts at the back, behind the adrenals. As it goes forward, it comes into contact with the liver and pancreas. The point then comes out straight extending beyond the body about three inches. This Matrix helps regulate and balance these three organs responsible for the blood sugar level of the body. It works with the adrenals, the pancreas and the liver. I have found it useful when the blood sugar level drops or when there is an overindulgence of sweets. When using this Matrix, it is good to imagine the adrenals, the liver and the pancreas inside the Pyramid, all at the same time, as you use it. Energize it by using S/C/S.  You can practice using the Glucose Regulating Pyramid by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.


The Energy Helix is a long rectangle, capped with pyramids, that have no base, at either end. It has a DNA type helix inside of it. The helix attaches to the apices of both pyramids. It extends from the tip of the coccyx to the suboccipital notch, the little indentation at the center of the skull just above the neck. There is often pain, upon light palpation, at the tip of the coccyx when there is an imbalance. Correction is done by using the S/C/S. The function of the Energy Helix is to bring a balance of energy throughout the body. Some people have reported that they have felt blocks in their kundalini channel being cleared with the use of this Matrix.  You can practice using the Energy Helix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.

Liver Pyramid Matrix

Envision the Liver Matrix as a Pyramid encompassing the liver. The liver is located on the right side of the body right below the lungs. It is divided into four lobes. The largest lobe is on the right, the next largest is the left lobe. The other two lobes are very small and tucked around the two larger lobes . Among the 500 functions of the liver are the following: Production of bile from the pigment of red blood cells. Uptake and release of glucose and storage as glycogen. Removal of urea from amino acids. Activates T Cells which are the major immune response factor. The heat produced by the liver’s many processes helps maintain body temperature. It is the only organ in the body that can regenerate itself. The liver Matrix is the first Matrix of the immune triad. Activate via S/C/S. You can experiment with using the Detox Matrix in conjunction with the Liver Matrix to bring balance and start the body’s natural ability to detoxify the liver. See plate 51 for the schematic of the Immune System.  You can practice using the Liver Matrix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.

© 2018 by Rev. Paul Mychaluk

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