The Electrical matrix
Below you will find the instructions regarding each Electrical Matrix.
I recommend that you print these instructions up and review them
I hope you enjoy learning about and sampling the following 10 Electrical Matrices which are among the 51 Electrical Matrices shared in the
Introductory Self-Healing Workshop available soon online.
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Thank you for your interest and I hope that what you have learned here assists you into greater levels of health and well-being.
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please schedule an appointment by calling 610-687-8280.
Universal matrix
The first one we want to look at is the Universal Matrix. This Matrix is composed of three cylinders running from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. The cylinders are clear to start with and then all three cylinders change colors simultaneously. Employ S/C/S to activate them. This Matrix is used for protection from electromagnetic forces, such as when you're in a mall. It can also be used for general protection if you are going to encounter negative situations. You can practice using the Universal Matrix by downloading and viewing it here and following Dr. Paul's directions.
Base Rectangles Matrix
The Matrix called Base Rectangles should be envisioned around the waist level and extend to the bottom of the feet. There are four boxes comprising this Matrix. You need to imagine yourself standing in the middle of them. The tips are touching one another so that your body is totally surrounded by these four rectangles. All four change colors simultaneously. Balance using S/C/S.This Matrix is used to bring muscular balance to the pelvis. The most common effect you’ll find is that the pelvis will automatically make itself level. If you are having difficulty balancing some body parts that fit within this Matrix you can use it along with the other Matrices to enhance their effect. If you are working with the hip joints you would use the Joint Matrix for the hips and the base rectangles as a support to the correction. You can practice using the Base Rectangles Matrix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.
Pancreas Polygon Matrix
The Pancreas Matrix is a polygon with the angle portion facing towards the liver. Envision the Matrix surrounding the pancreas. The pancreas, which is about six inches long and lies behind the stomach, has critical functions in regards to digestion and blood sugar levels. Pancreatic juice contains the following enzymes which are secreted via ducts into the small intestine.amylopsin for starches trypsin for proteins lipase for fat A series of scattered islets of cells throughout the pancreas also produce insulin which is used by the cells of the body to uptake glucose from the bloodstream. These scattered islets of cells also produce glucagon which instructs the liver to release the stored glycogen to raise the blood glucose levels. In addition, the gall bladder and the pancreas share a duct that feeds into the small intestine. This duct, if blocked, could cause severe damage to the pancreas. You can experiment with using the pancreas Matrix to bring balance to the electrical system, thereby enhancing the body’s natural ability to support good digestion and stable blood sugar levels.. As you use the Matrixyou can envision the pancreas, all of its ducts and islets of cells functioning normally or specifically focusing on functions of concern like adequate levelsof lipase for fat digestion, adequate regulation of your blood sugar. It is activated by using the S/C/S. You can practice using the Pancreas Polygon Matrix by viewing it at this link and following Dr. Paul's directions.
Adrenal Matrices
The Adrenal Matrices are kidney bean shaped with the concave surface facing upwards. They are situated over the top of each kidney. Each may on occasion need to be balanced independently. They are rotated quickly or slowly in a horizontal plane during the S/C/S. Sometimes, the Adrenal Matrices spin like a top as you are doing the S/C/S. About the adrenal glands: The adrenal gland is a two-fold gland. The outer portion is the medulla and the inner portion is the cortex. The medulla creates the flight fight hormones of epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, and norepinephrine. It is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress, as from fear or injury. It initiates many bodily responses, including the stimulation of heart action and an increase in blood pressure, metabolic rate, and blood glucoseconcentration. They stimulate the pancreas to produce glucagon which causes the liver to dump large amounts of glucose into the blood stream. They increase the heart rate, constrict the arterioles (small arteries), and dilate the bronchioles. Norepinephrine functions in arousal, energy, drive, stimulation, fight or flight. Norepinephrine deficiencies result in lack of energy, lack of motivation, first "state" called depression. The adrenal cortex produces over thirty hormones and is divided into three main areas: zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and the zona reticularis. The following are some examples of each. Aldosterone controls how the kidney balances electrolytes. Cortisol is used to maintain carbohydrate and protein proportions relative to the needs of the body. This hormone is also produced in large amounts during times of stress. Malesecondary sex characteristics are governed by adrenosterone which builds muscle mass. If you feel stressed, use the Adrenal Matrices to prevent going out of balance from overstimulation of the adrenals. You can also use it along with the Thyroid Matrix before working out, to be sure the body gets the energy it needs. If you know what specifically needs to be balanced place theintention for those functions to be balanced while using the Adrenal Matrix. You can practice using the Adrenal Matrices by viewing them at this linkand following Dr. Paul's directions.